Friday, 4 February 2011

More stream and a Maori meal

Saturday 5th Feb
Sorry folks. Looks like no photos till I get home. Just back from a wine tour and I don't think I'll cope!
So, there we were, 4 of us now, at Rotorua, and we headed off to see the thermal area. Another baking hot day of course and hotter still, surrounded by boiling mud, geysers, pits ejecting foul steam and hot sausage rolls at the cafe. No, actually, more beer under giant sunshades listening to the cicadas in the bushes and trees around us.

Guess what. Kiwi Packer were having another happy our when we arrived back at our digs.

The car we've hired is a bit of a wreck and very noisy. Holding a conversation requires a stop by the roadside and the engine turned off. This is a bit of a bugger when the navigator wants you to turn left as you've driven past it before you can get the instruction. Both Brian and I are well used to driving about, over here. Roads that are about as busy as Moreton High Street at 3am make it easy, of course. It's really a pleasure on the roads here. Little traffic, winding roads to keep you alert and some of the most fantastic views in the world.

The evening was spent with some Maoris at a traditional 'Hangi' meal, cooked on hot rocks buried in a hole in the ground. There was an evening's entertainment with it - music and tall stories (I always find it difficult to tell a tall story being only 5ft 4in).

And then, to bed.

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